Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Couturiers death Review Essay Example
The Couturiers death Review Paper Essay on The Couturiers death Critics call Brigitte Auber paradoxical and audacious queen of French psychological thriller. Naturally, after such advertisements wanted to taste and audacity, and paradoxical, and psychology. The first novel at the hands Workshop of death just shocked. In good shocked. Something modern with shades of Perfume or beauty Snatchers Then there was the novel The four children of Dr. Marcha. I read with mild interest. But not more. Now here Couturier Death It seemed to me that the author did not understand why the Workshop of the death was once a success and decided to repeat the experiment precisely without this understanding. Thriller for writing thriller? It is as inexplicable as killing for the sake of killing. Savoring the details of the dismemberment and stapling victims otkusannye body and blyuyuschih durakovatyh policemen, Brigitte Auber forgotten that even in such novels need an idea. Where is her famous thrillers psychology? Wheres the lowdown acts? Where the characters themselves, in the end? They all look the same the victim, the police, the criminal. I think everyone in my childhood there was some drama (this explains the tendency Shorty kill, dismember, eat and sew a new body), they do not have no feelings, no brightness, no-Th-th! We will write a custom essay sample on The Couturiers death Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Couturiers death Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Couturiers death Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The story of Couturier of death the novel The Ripper. In this edition of both products come under one cover. The Ripper, alas, the best, in my opinion, was not, even though some mysterious line. By the way, what it was it is not clear. But clearly matured opinion that both these novels banter clean water. A parody of itself Brigitte Auber with its Workshop death maniacs, to police, to the victims, women and men, at all! Even the reader The same childrens psychological trauma from the offender, all of the same lack of psychology, drama, intrigue, some vivid images of personality, lack of all but blood, sadistic manners and sarcasm .. . Well, here for example. By the nature of the application of the victims of injuries (maniac stabbed and gutting their victims) psychologists created a figurative and psychological portrait of the criminal. Prefers hot dogs with ketchup, listening to Celine Dion, is engaged in saber fencing, and swimming in the style of Butterfly . It is possible that a member of his tattoo decorates with Batman. Probably prefers strawberry chewing gum without sugar. Very funny 🙂 And a remark in the course um, Celine Dion even aggression explain But chewing gum got to do with.? It would be nice if the author has divided the comedy and thriller in two different books. IMHO In short, the book is both novel caused a failure and perhaps the feeling that they could easily be pulled to do something more worthwhile
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